We aim to raise funds by communal and social means. And create our own businesses, and educate our own youth, and employ our own youth. As well as grow our own food, and strive to obtain a healthy community, where we take care of our infants and elderly, in our own health care facilities!
Thereby maintaining the wealth, skills and education within our community. Which will allow us to be a functional community amongst the communities that have already been established.
During my research here in my own community, I have observed that; the Asians have their own religious center and businesses, The Indians have their own religious center and businesses, The Jews have their own religious center and businesses, and they are all successful in this community, and in a society where they are helping their people not be as dependent on the government, or other peoples for their communal survival!
A little understood situation for all truly religious persons, is that when the correct teachings of religion is applied, the financial system of wealth acquiescence in this society is out of reach and indeed not sought after due to its many corruptions and failures. {Bank falters and Stock Market crashes, Student Loan debt, etc…}.
Unfortunately, the problem or obstacle to the aforementioned goals, is that most Muslims who actually attempt to follow their religion properly, suffer from a lack of education of religious and secular knowledge. Therefore, they have not been able to capitalize on the benefits of education, secular or especially religious knowledge. So they have not been able to advance in this society. Causing some to despair and feel rejected and feeling left on the outside of what they perceive is the American dream, (This has caused some of the youth to be extreme and fall prey to the extremist), Our job will be to establish a platform, to propagate the correct ideology, and refute terrorism (its ideology, and refute and expose its people), those who would attempt to hi-jack our religion, and thereby cause harm to the muslims.
And The religious knowledge that is lacking, is the most detrimental to the Muslim society here in the west. Therefore, the youth as well as the women, and men to some degree, has suffered tremendously.
Reason being; (And the reason this program is needed).
They are not being taught, and most are ignorant of The correct Islamic Ideology, (ad-Dawatus Salafiyah), meaning the call to pure Islaam as it was revealed to the Prophet (Muhammad) [Salallahu Alaihi wa Salam] {May Allah raise his rank and grant him Peace} , by the Angel Jibril (Gabriel), [Alaihi Salaam] {May the Peace and blessings of Allah be Upon him}, and as it was understood by his companions (Radiyallahu Anhum), {May Allah be pleased with them}, who he taught.
We aim to rectify this by;
The proper teaching of Islaam (Tawheed), {singling out Allah The Creator alone for all aspects of worship}, by the righteous scholars of Islaam , who are the inheritors of the, Prophet of Islaam, Muhammad ibn Abdullah (Salallahu Alaihi wa Salaam), and the scholars bring us the teaching and understanding of his companions, (whom he said was the best generation, and whom Allah has said in the Qur’an: “that he is pleased with them and they are pleased with him”).
This teaching is real Islaam. and this Islaam, is that what we call to, and as the scholars of old have said: nothing will rectify the latter part of this Ummah (Islamic Nation), {Us right now}! except that with which rectified its first part, and that was Tawheed. This teaching will be done by the qualified recognized students of knowledge here in America, and they will have support from the recognized Scholars that have been established and informed to us as being scholars by the scholars before them. Our job as callers will be to refer the people back to the scholars for the correct education.