لسلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
As-Salaamu Alaikum, with the name of Allah the most merciful, the owner of vast mercy
من نحن
Who we are:
نحن مسلمون – من أهل السنة والجماعة.
نحن من أتباع الدعوة السلفية ومن أتباعها.
و بد
We are Muslims – min Ahli Sunnah wal Jama’ah.
We are followers and adherents of the Da’wah Tu Salafiyah.
We try and emulate the practice of the Quran and Sunnah, in the worship of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), [Glorified and high is he above what they attribute to him], by following
And implementing Islaam, Tawheed and Aqidah, according to the proper teachings of the scholars rabaaniyun, of Islaam who trace their knowledgeable lineage back to those who the Deen- (religion of Islaam) was established upon.-
Our Salaf As-Salah! –
The righteous predecessors.
At the head of them :The Messenger Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihi wa Salaam). May Allah raise his rank and grant him peace, Ameen!
Then those who the Messenger said was the best 3 generations, His Sahabah, (Radiyallahu Anhum), May Allah be pleased with them, Ameen!
Then their students who followed them, The Tabi’een (Ridwan Allahi Alaihim), , May Allah be please with them, Ameen.
And then the At-Ba’a Tabi’een, Those that followed the students upon right guudance, (Raheemahumullah) , May Allah have mercy on them all Ameen.
We strive to implement our religion following the Quran and Sunnah, upon the understanding of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, (Salallahu Alaihi wa Salaam). who after following the teachings of The Messenger; practiced , safeguarded and taught the religion to the rest of this Ummah. (Islaamic Community).
And we hold true that what the prophet Muhammad brought Is true Islaam!
And what was Islaam then is Islaam now.
And what was not Islaam then is not Islaam now.
And tbose who bring other than this into the religion we refute and expose them!
We do not invent any thing in this religion of ours.
And those who do invent in the religion it is rejected. And we call awareness to it and warn the people from it.
In worship We stick to the righteous and proven proper teachings and understanding, methods and ways of our Salaf us Salah,
And we stay away from the new errant unproven modern misguidance of the khalaf.
We support and defend the Salaf of this ummah.
We propagate At-Tasfiyah wa At-Tarbiyah.
Cultivation and Education of the Ummah especially the youth. Upon correctness of Tawheed, Aqidah, and Fiqh.
As some of the salaf said, before Islaam the Arabs were in a state of Jahiliyah, (Ignorance), looked down upon and rejected!
Then Islaam came and it elevayed them and they were honored in the sight of the people, (By the permission and allowance of Allah)!
So We will recommend and help in the discernment and dissemination of the knowledge and literature of our current teachers the righteous Salafi Scholars, Mesheikh, and Tulaabul Elm.
Our job is to connect the youth of this ummah to the Righteous Scholars. And not to hinder or cause diversion from the path of beneficial knowledge. That corrects and brings prosperity to the people by Allah’s leave.
We believe as Ibn Al-Qayum said:
And knowledge is: what Allah said, what the Messenger said, and with the understanding of the Sahabah.
We believe in what Imaam Bukhari advised: knowledge preceeds statement or speech and actions.
We believe in what Ibn Ma’een said:
Knowledge is Deen so look and be careful to who you take your Deen from!
We hold that Islaam began or started strange, and will return to be seen as strange in the eyes of the masses,
And we also hold that what rectified the early part of this Ummah , is what only can rectify the latter part of this ummah!
We understand and believe this will correct the youth of the next generation, and aid in allowing for a return to the growth of a successful Muslim Community wherever this is implemented.
With the help and assistance of Allah. And only by his leave and mercy! May he allow his servants to assist in our aid. AMEEN.
We hope to utilize some of our current scholars for guidance and reflection and review in our affairs, the likes of ;
The Mufti of Saudi Arabia Shaikh Abdul Aziz Aal-ash Shaikh ,
Sheikh Rabee ibn Hadee Al-Medkhali
Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzaan, and other than them.
We hope to also use some of our current Tulaabul Elm to connect us to those scholars, the likes of; (Abu Muhammad Al-Maghribi, Taalib Abdullah, Rasheed Barbee, Mustafa George, and our Imaam Talhaat Abu Khadeejah As-Senagali)
To assist us after Allah’s permission to carry out this mission.
Then lastly We call on you to aid us in our endeavors to practice, teach, and protect the Truth.
And to help in stopping , exposing, and rejecting that which oppose the truth.
We ask Allah for Safety and Security.
May Allah make it so, and may Allah give us the Towfiq – the Success, Ameen!
Wa billahi At-Towfiq, (And with Allah is the success).
نسأل الله السلامة والأمن.
جعلها الله هكذا ، وفقنا الله التوفيق ، النجاح ، أمين!
وبالله التوفيق (وبالله التوفيق).