As-Salaamu Alaikum

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Working Outline for Grant Request

Goals established by AbdurRahman ibn Raymond Pattillo for Markaz As-Salafi South:



A). (Islaamic) Rehabilitation Center

B). (Islamic) Business Center

C). (Islaamic) Financial & Retirement center

D). (Islaamic) Women’s wellness & Care Center



A). To provide Rehabilitative training (Refuting Terrorist Ideology), and for individuals who have been incarcerated.

A-2). Social Training Center, Halfway Home.

B). To establish businesses to employ and provide financial and or wealth growth in and for the community.

B-2). Business {PC Center}, Recreation Park.

C). To set up and facilitate a means for financial security for our retiring Community Leaders and Educators. And establish a KinderCare and child scholarship fund.

C-2). Retirement Services Center or Home, Preschool to elementary and eventually High school.

D). To develop an Institution of learning and Clinical Health & well being for the woman of the community.

D-2). (Women Shelter, Safe House)

As-Salaamu Alaikum

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Matching the funds to the proposed goals or operational services:



Funds Through Grants & Community Donations 

(Taking care of our constituents from the Cradle to the Grave)


Requirements:  Per Goal or Idea –

A). Funds needed to purchase or build a Rehabilitation Center. 

(Like a Halfway House, with schooling attached).

B). Funds needed to purchase or build a business Park, PC Internet Café.

(Like a Plaza with Shops as well).

C). Funds needed to purchase or build a Retirement home & Elderly Financial Program & KinderCare.

(Like a Self-Sustaining Senior Citizen Center, and Day Care Center).

D). Funds needed to purchase or build a Women’s Shelter.

(With Beds and Security & Separate Job Training Program).



This concept calls for separate Buildings and structures, However, to begin we may have to start small and then grow out. Therefore, we may have to gather funds to purchase a building or complex that has space to facilitate all the 4-8 services needed. As well we will need Land for the Community Garden, and for the Livestock, (Lamb, Sheep, Goats, and chickens), for communal consumption. Therefore, we are looking to purchase a place or area that has an acre or two of land, along with it or associated with it that is zonal for business, as well as housing, and livestock sheltering. If this can be done and located close to where we currently have our Masjid. This would be optimal. Which is in the City of College Park Ga. However, the County of Clayton owns property nearby as well, so if we are to find such a structure and or land in the unincorporated College Park, or Clayton County that would probably be less expensive. The location should also be if possible expandable, for instance if we wanted to grow from a Day care, to an Elementary School, to a High School. Forward looking I would like for the Muslims to establish their own University, like how the churches started their colleges. It is doable. If all of this can eventually be started from the same plot of land and then expand, this would of course be ideal.

As-Salaamu Alaikum,

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,



How the Facilities are to be used

Structural Applications: 

Following the conceptual diagram of a Muslim Self-Sustaining Community. I envision a compound with a wall surrounding a gated community. Included in this community is at its center a masjid for worship, schools for learning, businesses for employment and recreational facilities to occupy the children’s free time.  For future necessities, we also have a scope where there are medical and health services, (Nurses and maybe a doctor’s office, and dental and vision facilities), all-inclusive social services facilities.


A). Housing structure to house 14-20 (Initially) individual males for Rehabilitative training / Musella (small Prayer hall)/ Youth Rec Center.

B). Business structure to house 8 -10 (Initially) individual self-starting businesses for self-generating wealth for the community.

C). Health care structure including housing for 10-15 (Initially) elderly or senior individual or couples for their retirement necessities.

D). Child Care structure to house 15-30 (initially) kids for day care and or preschool.

E). Safe House structure to house 14-20 woman and children with nurse station and dining kitchens, and job training. (Separate and Secured) from the men facilities.

Included here is a women’s self-security guard program. Where there will be 8 women employed to secure their facilities. As well a separate men’s security guard program employing 8 men. These are local community jobs created by this program after certification. With the projected 5 years from groundbreaking to completion of the actual community establishment, we intend on creating Construction jobs, Security jobs, Educators, Childcare Providers, Health care workers, and for the businesses each one will have their own employees all coming from within the community. So, the wealth is generated from within and stays within, except for the natural things that can’t be generated from within a small community. Eventually employing over 100 personnel within those first 5 years. Insha’Allah.

As-Salaamu Alaikum, 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Practical Implementation of communal use as described by the founder of Markaz As-Salafi South:



A). Work Release Program (of discipline and religious teaching to counter any false ideology and or false perception of their entitlement in society, or countering that which caused them to be runaway’s, or missing, or incarcerated in the first place), established for wayward, disruptive youth, who have been incarcerated to give them a second chance or head start in being integrated back into the Islaamic society, as a microcosm, and then to allow practice (Learning, Working, Worshipping), for incorporation back into the larger society. Perhaps a certificate of learning some skill set useful in society. 

B). Businesses to support community wealth growth for example. 

Muslim Grocery Store, Supply Store, Health and Beauty Store, along with (Barber and Beauty shops), Restaurants, Electrical and carpenter training, PC training, Job Center, with internet café access, Clinic’s and schools, all to employ and serve this standalone community. (All based on the Islaamic legislative guidelines, HALAL and ZABIHA! Created farmed and cultured by Muslims for Muslims. So that the customers of these establishments can shop and service with their mind at ease, and no worries that there is some pork or pork by products, and or short cuts in the processing of their supplies. Women sections, where the women can go and be respected for their adhering to their religion, as opposed to fearing someone trying to talk them into compromising their religion just to get service.

C). Muslim Retirement establishment a home to support and care for our seniors (with the nurses and doctors that are muslim), and of course catering to an Islaamic lifestyle, encouraging prayer and healthy sustenance, while discouraging alcohol and other societal pitfalls that endanger health and mental capacity. Support recreation for the seniors that is healthy for their mental as well as physical wellbeing. A home where the men and or women do not have to worry about being forced to undress or be undressed in front of and or by the opposite sex. Diets will surely be halal, and they do not have to worry about the staff not catering to their Islaamic dietary needs. Employing Muslims to help and serve the aging muslim citizens.

 D). A safe environment for the women that are divorced and or have been victims of domestic violence, or otherwise disenfranchised. Providing and or having security for them. And ensuring that they no longer fear that experience that a lot of them explain that they had when they went to the shelters or other women’s support services out in the society. Where they would seek assistance and support only to be told we do not serve your kind here, or being called terrorist, (Just because they cover), or they will be shamed for their covering. Some of them have had their kids taken away, adding insult to injury, due to them being muslim, and the care workers wanting to put those kids in homes with Christians etc. And the countless other discriminatory acts perpetrated against muslim women. So, we are interested in providing social construct, and social services for them, in a place where they can be themselves, and not fear that they will not get services just because they are covered! Teaching them survival skills for their own spiritual and educational enrichment. While providing counseling and community support. 

 E). Lastly and not least but we will consider this to be the most important out of all the services. After cementing the establishment of the Masjid as the central worship center, while also having affiliated services. We aim to use these funds to establish a base of foundational truth to teach proper Islaam and refute and expose the false teaching of the deviated sects. Those that give birth to terroristic ideology! Refuting the terrorist and deviated Khawarij, wherever they show their evil heads and spout their evil teachings. (Meaning the likes of the ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boca Haram, and Al-Shabaab), and anyone else who calls to that type of evil (In the name of Islaam). We aim to utilize the statements of the scholars and speak out against the evils that these groups call to that may confuse and incite the youth. Those groups and agencies have funds and are using social media, and internet to spread their false ideology. Therefore, we need funds to establish radio programs, and internet Blogs, and news papers and whatever media is necessary to combat this terrorism. 


As-Salaamu Alaikum

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

This is a beginning expenses and startup cost assessment.

Cost related to these services and structures:

Cost Assessment:

A). Building 1.5 Million

5 to 6 buildings (on 1 lot), from $900,000.00 to $1.5 million to acquire.

 Building structures already priced.

B). $30.000.00 for each business to start up,

Including supplies and to outfit.

C). $50,000.00 menial salary for 5 to 10 original Admin and Educators annual each to start.

For schools and care workers.

D). Total Grant request of $2.5M for 

Buildings, Furniture, Vans or School Busses, Training, Certifications, permits, Land, Security personnel and Infrastructure.

Cost have gone up in Ga. For some of the property in different areas, whether mixed use property or other than that. Depending on whether in unincorporated land or other than that. So further assessment may be needed.