I want to assist and bring attention to those who have no means or do not know how, and or where to seek assistance.  In the past few years, I have seen where some muslim youth across our nation and indeed the world in increasing numbers has fallen victim to poverty and its side effects. Some have been vulnerable and are therefore easy victims of deranged terrorist minded ideologies. Some of these terrorists are mentally challenged, and others are intentionally deviant and causing corruption based on lack of knowledge.

Currently most of the worlds over almost 2 billion Muslims are practicing Islaam without proper knowledge and understanding. We can show where this is improper belief leads to the sins that are (the cause of most of their problems in this life). This ignorance leads to corruption, and fanaticism, self-doubt, and other symptoms of what happens when people long for the truth but are immersed in deviated falsehoods, and therefore some are easily led astray, and easily corrupted and deviated.